Wholesale Moroccan Premium Extra Virgin Olive Oil (500ml)
The romantic history behind the source of our olive oil is unique. High up in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco, where the Romans cultivated vineyards and olive orchards, are three farms with over one million olive trees that have been traditionally maintained to produce an amazing olive oil. The unique climate of the Atlas Mountains and land gifts the olive oil that remarkable fresh taste.
The wind blowing between the olive trees whispers the history of this soil from which Greeks and Romans already produced their famous “green gold”.
The three orchards located at the foothills of the Atlas are kissed by mild winters and summers, filtered by hot winds coming from the Sahara and the olives are gilded by an intense sun reigning on the plains of the Atlas mountains. This particular climate and the conditions of the land give our olive oil an unmistakable taste.
With the climate being of optimal condition for the olives to grow, the water used is pure artesian water and turonian acquifere supplied by the snow melting of the Atlas mountains and trapped in a calcareous reef allowing natural water filtration.
Constant monitoring of the cultivation and mechanized picking at an optimal ripeness with only a 20 minutes lapse between harvest and grinding. The olive oil is exclusively extracted through a mechanical process in a low temperature continuous line to get excellent extra virgin olive oil with 0.2% maximum acidity. The distinctiveness of our oil lies also in the attention to detail during every phase of the production process, the selection of a highly skilled workforce and the use of European technology and know-how. All this gives life to a wonderful olive oil you can find only in the best international gourmet stores.
Our oil is characterised by an integrated production. It is a methodology of farming techniques that fulfils consumer requirements (total quality of the product, food safety and total traceability) while respecting the environment (conservation of the ground and saving of water) and by involving all of the people concerned in the production of an oil of prestige: the farmer and his team, operators of the oil mill, and the bottler.
The olives used to create Nature’s Blends Olive Oil are harvested at the end of September-beginning of October – just when the olives are changing colours and ready to give away their wonders. Our olive oil is an ultra-premium extra virgin olive oil with <0.2% acidity and a unique taste. The optimal soil conditions, pure water, high density of trees, high quality olives alongside the unique climate of the Atlas Mountains is responsible for the unique ultra-premium oil.
We have seen olive oil marketed as either Extra Virgin, Virgin, or Light. Each variant is extremely different and some may even have added ingredients that can be potentially harmful to health. Everyone wants high quality products where natural elements are preserved, not compromised. Let’s breakdown the most common variants:
Extra Virgin: The way olive oil is classified as “extra virgin” is by cold-pressing ripe olives. This method involves only cold pressing once in order to maintain its freshness and natural elements. No added heat, chemicals, ingredients, or preservatives that destroy the amazing nutrients found in olive oil. The colour of the olive oil is also a deeper golden colour which signifies the ripeness of the olives and its quality.
Harvesting and producing olive oil is by no means a new method. Rather, Olive Oil was an integral part of the diet and beauty regime of ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Rome, and Greece that are still widely used today. We can even find sources leading back to religious text urging the consumption and use of olive oil.
Olive oil contains monounsaturated fats which are known as healthy good fats. Trans and polyunsaturated fats are the fats you find mostly in processed and high calorie foods. Consuming trans and polyunsaturated fats put us at risk of heart, kidney and liver disease. The great thing about extra virgin olive oil is the presence of monounsaturated fats that are great for your health:
Decrease blood pressure – Various health studies recommend 4 tablespoons of olive oil a day to reduce blood pressure.
Controlling Blood Glucose Levels – The presence of monounsaturated fats in extra virgin olive oil can help regulate blood glucose levels and improve insulin sensitivity. The American Diabetes Association has shown that a mediterranean diet that is rich in extra virgin olive oil consumption can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by almost 50%.
Cooking with olive oil reduces the risk of obesity due to the presence of healthy fats and nutrients in the oil.