Anatomy Crossword Puzzle
Uses and Benefits of Anatomy Crossword Puzzle
Crossword solving involves developing skills such as vocabulary, reasoning, and spelling. To solve any crossword puzzle, a person must be able to identify and understand the terms being used.
These puzzles also involve making differentiations between similar words or phrases. Other important skills required for completing these puzzles include evaluating choices and drawing conclusions.
Key Attributes
- Solving a crossword puzzle also has the advantage of appealing to different learning styles
- Visual learners often have strong puzzle-solving skills and feel satisfied with the image of the completed puzzle
- Logical reasoning, recognising patterns and connections in the puzzles
- Kinaesthetic learners enjoy actually carrying out the physical activity of completing the puzzle
- Verbal learners make an effort to find the meaning of the words within the puzzles
- Solitary learners preferring to work alone, focusing on their thoughts on the current topic of the puzzle
- Crossword puzzles can be completed in a brief period of time and solving them provides a sense of accomplishment.
- For all of these reasons, crosswords make a terrific study and review tool
As it happened, some of my advanced accounting classes took place in a room next to a massage class. Why were those students coming into the hallway all blessed-out while I was tense and head-achy? Gradually I chose a more conscious life direction, closer to my own interests and proceeded to collect the knowledge and skills I would need to become a massage therapist.
And hence found myself deeply immersed in the study of anatomy and physiology. So here I now sit, writing to you from my hammock in the tropics, delighted with my little creation. It is my dearest wish that this book of puzzles will inspire all students of the healing arts (from pups to older dogs) to enjoy their studies and personal growth. From initial learning to aiding memory to maintenance and review – have fun, get smart and kick back.