Orthopedic Conditions Textbook 5th Edition
Orthopedic Conditions Textbook 5th Edition features the top 250+ conditions seen in practice and rapid review tables.
- Over 1,000 illustrations and Images
- Multidisciplinary peer reviewed
- Clear presentation and logical formats save time
- Perfect for board exam, OSCE and Oral practical review
- A must-have for the classroom and general practice
Benefits of Orthopedic Conditions Textbook
Orthopedic Conditions Textbook is a Quick Reference as the best musculoskeletal pathology guide available for students, clinicians and instructors. This is a text you will use long after your classes are done, and can be used in conjunction with Physical Assessment and Physical Medicine Manuals Evidence Informed Orthopedic Conditions is a multidisciplinary, peer reviewed text, written for physical medicine clinicians by physical medicine clinicians.
You are learning from the best with centuries of combined real world experiences and evidence-based content. This text bridges the gap between academics to advanced clinical application and critical thinking.
Use it in the classroom and in Practice
Orthopedic Conditions integrates body wide common conditions and multidisciplinary treatment options including demographics and assessment, massage, mobilizations, electrotherapy, acupuncture, diet and botanicals, medications, surgery, rehabilitation, prevention, prognosis and clinic forms.
valuable study guide for students and practitioners preparing for OSCE exams,
Provincial Board Exams, State Board Exams, and National Clinical Skills Examinations.
Orthopedic Conditions Textbook Includes:
- Top 250+ conditions seen in practice, 1000’s of references
- Online Video, Image and Text Resources
- Multidisciplinary peer reviewed (DC, DO, MD, ND, PhD, PT, RMT, RN)
- Clear presentation and logical formats save time
- Perfect for board exam, OSCE and Oral practical review
- A must-have for the classroom and general practice
Further supported by 1000’s of videos, online courses, seminars, exercises and functional educational resources on prohealthsys.com
- ISBN: 978-1-9893921-8-8
- Pages: 627, Edition: 5th